Protect and enhance your investment with one of TCM Colour's range of sealers.

TCM Colour produce a variety of sealers to achieve different results on different substrates. All TCM Colour Sealers are UV stable.

  • TCM Clear Sealer: This is a solvent based acrylic sealer and is used to achieve a glossy protective coating, recommended for use on coloured concrete or slate. This will achieve a “wet” look finish.
  • TCM Coloured Sealer: This is a coloured solvent based acrylic sealer which provides a glossy coloured coating especially useful for changing the colour of existing concrete. Please refer to our colour chart for available colours. (Click here to view colours in grey cement or off white)
  • TCM Invisi-Seal: This is a silicone based sealer that does not change the appearance of the substrate. It is as the name suggests, invisible, but provides a protective coating to the substrate.
  • TCM Same Day Sealer: This is a product designed to be applied to green concrete to aid in curing and protect the surface from the earliest point possible. As it is a softer resin, TCM Colour recommends using either the TCM Clear or Coloured sealer as a second coat to improve durability.
  • TCM Ultra Non Slip Beads: Used with TCM Colour's solvent based acrylic sealers to provide greater grip.






Same Day Sealer Coloured Sealer
Clear Sealer Xylene